
Moving British Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is huge insult to 2 billion Muslims



The contemplated plan by British Prime minister Liz Truss to move her country’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Occupied Jerusalem is the ultimate insult to the Palestinian people and Muslims worldwide.

The evil and morally unjustifiable feat was disclosed less than 24 hours after the conclusion of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral in which several Arab and Muslim statesmen and dignitaries took part out of respect to their historical relations with Britain, which began even before the downfall of the Ottoman empire during the first World War.

Hence, any honest observer would have no qualms viewing Truss’s reported plan to move the British Embassy as a gesture of betrayal and profound ill-will to every Arab and Muslim under the sun.

Blatant act

UK’s Truss told Lapid her government was considering moving their embassy to Jerusalem

It is indeed hard to think of a single logical rationale justifying Liz Truss’s inherently racist insult. 

Indeed, the grave affront is by no means an aberration of British policy toward Muslims in general and the Palestinians in particular. After all, Britain has always embraced, either explicitly or tacitly  Israel’s Nazi-like policies of aggression and expansion against Palestinians, including the disgraceful apartheid regime now enforced in Palestine.

We all know that Britain’s record in dealing with Muslims, whether in the Indian sub-continent or, indeed, in Palestine,  is indelibly ugly, absolutely ignominious and irredeemably evil.

Religious hatred

In 1917, Britain’s timeless hatred of Islam prompted its government to issue the nefarious- infamous Balfour Declaration, which gave the  Palestinian people’s ancestral homeland to rapacious Zionist Jews on a silver platter.  Ever since that time, Britain never flinched from consolidating and expediting the colonial scheme of international Zionism while doing everything in its power to ravage and dispossess the Palestinian people, the ultimate victim of hateful British colonialism.

Read also: Britain is the original sin

Now, the new British premier Liz Truss is reportedly considering another shameless feat to further torment the Palestinian people and perfect the criminal usurpation of its inalienable rights.

The Palestinian people along with many Muslims around the world have been waiting rather desperately for over a century to see Britain take some corrective measures to atone for its gargantuan crime against humanity in Palestine. 

However, to our profound disappointment, Britain shamelessly continued its hostile policies against our people and its legitimate rights.  It is very sad, indeed, that successive British governments proved repeatedly that words such as justice and equity don’t exist in Britain’s lexicon.

Moving the British Embassy : Evil feat par excellence

The Balfour Declaration  is not just a contemptible historical document.

Indeed, despite the passage of 105 years since the issuance of the Satanic declaration, it is manifestly clear to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear that the Palestinian people are still suffering the indescribably harsh ramifications and repercussions of the Balfour Declaration.

Yes, the daily acts of murder, savagery, barbarianism,  home demolitions, land theft as well as all conceivable forms of  systematic, large scale repression meted out to our people around the clock would not have continued to this day had it not been for that evil promise.

Moving the British Embassy to Jerusalem is another Balfour declaration

The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine

Undoubtedly the reported willingness of the new British Prime Minister Liz Truss to contemplate moving her country’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem constitutes a new Balfour declaration.

This is because the immensely provocative measure is tantamount to recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the holy city, a measure that the bulk of the international community has avoided taking rather meticulously due to the special sensitivity surrounding this matter.

I am talking about both East and West Jerusalem which, according to international law, is still designated as ” Corpus Separatum.”

Sovereignty can’t be acquired through military Force

Moreover, the argument that Israel’s decades-old military control  gives the Jewish state sovereignty over the city is absolutely worthless since sovereignty cannot be obtained through the acquisition of territory by way of military force. Otherwise, Russia would have the legal right to declare its sovereignty over eastern and southern Ukrainian territories occupied by invading Russian troops.

The reason I mentioned the Ukrainian analogy is because the manner through which predominantly  Arab Palestine was transformed into predominantly Jewish Israel  is almost completely identical to the manner through which Crimea, Dunbas and other territories in eastern and southern Ukraine have become Russian! It’s like tweedledum and tweedledee.!

The notoriously hypocritically west, including the US and the UK know this fact too well, but they lack the moral credentials to call the spade a spade.

Jerusalem is occupied territory

According to international law, East Jerusalem is still considered an occupied territory under international law.

Now, Liz Truss, the Pathetic latecomer is brazenly and without any semblance of Chutzpah displaying her brutal ugliness against the very people whose ancestral homeland Britain seized and gifted to the supremacist and ultra-racist Khazar Jews without even consulting with the natives of the land  as if they were children of a lesser God.

This is why, Muslims all over the world must leave no  stone unturned until this racist woman reverses her illegal, immoral and manifestly unjust plan to bless and  bestow legitimacy on Israel’s Lebensraum policies against the Palestinian people.

After all, Jerusalem, East and West, is occupied territory and recognizing the city as Israel’s capital is illegal immoral and starkly incompatible with the rule of international law.

 There is no doubt that the usurpation of Palestine and banishment of millions of its people at the hands of the Nazi-like Zionist gangs constitute the most enormous crime in the annals of history since Adam and Eve.

Read also: Even If A Hundred  Holocausts Were Committed Against Jews, It Gives Them No Right To Slaughter Palestinians And Steal Their Homeland

I know that many westerners, whose governments enabled  Zionist Jews to carry out their still ongoing Holocaust against our people , may not view the Palestinian plight this way. But so what? The West which has effectively adopted the Jewish holocaust as its de facto  religion has absolutely no moral right to lecture the Palestinians on how they should relate to their ongoing holocaust-like Nakba, just as westerners admit they have no right to challenge or even question the wild tales about the lamentable Jewish tragedy in the course of World War II.

Muslim dignity at stake

In conclusion, I would like to stress that Muslims everywhere must take proactive steps to punish the UK for its criminal defiance of more than two billion Muslims. Such steps must include, inter alia, a total boycott of all British products and commodities. This should be done even if our tyrannical regimes objected to our legitimate activism. This is because the collective dignity of more than 2 billion Muslims is at stake.   

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