
Schools in Tents: The Struggles of Gaza’s Education System During the Israel-Gaza War



Under the guise of military operations, the Israeli army seems intent on systematically destroying Gaza’s education system. Already, 80% of schools have been wiped out in the bombings, and the remaining ones are under constant attack. 

It feels as though the Israeli army is leaving no part of Palestinian life untouched. The targeted violence against education suggests an intention to completely dismantle the Palestinian education system, an act known as ‘scholasticide.’

On October 9, 2023, Grade 5 and 6 students at the Rosary Sister’s School in Gaza were supposed to take their science exam. But they never had the chance, as Israel launched a devastating military assault just two days before. Currently, out of the 625,000 students in Gaza, 60% are either dead, injured, or missing due to the ongoing genocide. The situation is dire, with the future of education in Gaza hanging by a thread.

The loss of Education At This Point is Immeasurable

Before October 7, 2023, more than 6 million students received education in Gaza, with 20,000 teachers actively teaching. Now, that reality has been completely overturned. Schools, universities, and other educational institutions in Gaza remain closed.

Libraries have been left unusable, and a severe oil shortage has led to power outages, making it difficult for students to continue learning. Many people in Gaza fled to Egypt during the war, but they were unable to access educational services there due to a lack of proper documents.

For those who remain in Gaza, local efforts to provide education continue. However, every time they attempt to start teaching in tents or small makeshift spaces, the ceasefire breaks, and bombings resume.

“They’re unable to flee, and they remain in an area that continues to be battered,” said Tess Ingram of UNICEF. “It’s tough to provide them with certain services, such as mental health and psychosocial support or consistent education and learning.”

The situation could worsen if the education system is not restored in Gaza. Israel’s operations risk increasing unemployment, hunger, and long-term challenges for the region.

Israeli Army is Attacking Schools

The Israeli army continues to target the remaining schools in Gaza, even after 80% have already been destroyed. Many people, left homeless by the conflict, have taken refuge in these schools, but they are still under attack. 

The Israeli military justifies these strikes by claiming that some Hamas commanders are using the schools as command centers.

“Israeli forces have repeatedly struck schools, saying Hamas fighters use them as ‘command centers’ to plan attacks,”

stated Gaza’s Health Ministry

In one such attack, over 22 people were killed, including 17 women and children and a 3-month-old baby.

By destroying these schools, the Israeli army is not only demolishing education centers 

but also crushing the hopes and dreams of countless people. The destruction of schools has far-reaching consequences beyond the immediate loss of life and infrastructure. 

These attacks rob children of their right to education and strip entire families of the hope for a better future. Once a place of learning and safety, schools have become symbols of despair and loss.

The ongoing bombardment leaves Gaza’s educational system in ruins, making it nearly impossible for students to resume their studies. 

With no safe spaces left for children to learn and teachers facing the threat of arrest or injury, the future of Gaza’s youth seems increasingly bleak.

The Extinguishing Hope

In September, schools in Gaza reopened, as they do every year. However, with no buildings left, locals gathered children in small tents to continue their education. But even this tiny act of resilience didn’t go unnoticed by the Israeli army, which responded with raids on schools in Gaza and the West Bank.

Teachers and educators were detained during these raids without any explanation or warning. Israeli forces grabbed them and took them away, claiming it was part of their ongoing operations.

“Lessons were disrupted at the school after the Israeli raid,”

a witness told Anadolu.

These raids not only halted education but also crushed any remaining hope for stability. By targeting teachers, the Israeli army is extinguishing the last flickers of hope for Gaza’s children, leaving a future filled with uncertainty.

However, the only remaining hope for the children of Gaza lies in the hands of the UN and other international organizations. Immediate and decisive action is needed to address this crisis.

Education must always be prioritized, regardless of how challenging the current situation is. Denying this fundamental right to the children of Gaza is unacceptable.

Attacks on education cannot be tolerated. The international community must send a clear message that those who target schools and universities will be held responsible,” said experts, emphasizing that accountability includes the obligation to finance and rebuild the shattered education system.

If international organizations do not intervene now, who will take responsibility for the future of Gaza’s children? The international community must recognize that time is running out for Gaza’s children. 

With immediate intervention, an entire generation can access education, an essential foundation for future stability and peace. Rebuilding the whole education system and building will take a lot of time.

However, restoring hope and dreams and the possibility of a brighter future is still in the hands of the global community, which must come together and react to this crisis. Now is the time for action—before it’s too late.


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