
The al-Mawasi Attacks Show Israel Wants an All-Out Genocide.



After the talks of ceasefire and hope of a near-end war, Gazans again woke up to another nightmarish attack by Israel. Like the Rafah, the attack was again on a humanitarian zone, an area that Israel itself classified as a “Safe Zone.”

The al-Mawasi humanitarian camp attack was another brutal assault in a sequence of military strikes on displaced Palestinians in search of a safe shelter. But unfortunately, nothing inside Gaza is safe anymore. The terror transcends conflict zones as Israeli forces are attacking everyone everywhere as a stunned world watches in silence.

The Brutality of al-Mawasi Attack – Rafah 2.0

“Nightmarish scenes of chaos and terror.”

That’s how eyewitnesses who managed to survive the sudden attack on the humanitarian zone describe the al-Mawasi onslaught. Attacked by fighter jets and drones, the brutal bombardment has killed at least 90 and left over 300 others severely wounded.

According to an Al Jazeera report, on July 13th, Israeli forces launched sudden airstrikes and shelling in the densely populated al-Mawasi camps. On-ground incursions by troops followed the air attacks.

The horrific photos and videos of the Israeli massacre’s aftermath show helpless Palestinians sifting through remnants of tents and debris in search of lost loved ones and missing belongings.

What the al-Mawasi Attacks Tell About Israel’s Intention?

The continued attacks on humanitarian zones where war-torn, distressed Palestinian families think they are safe for a little while from the genocide rampant across Gaza reveal the real intentions of Israel behind the war. It’s an ethnic cleansing-torturing and eradicating Palestine.

Hiding behind the mask of “battling Hamas,” the zionist are continuing their genocide in Gaza, one that has been going on for decades now. The only difference is that now it’s in the form of an all-out war.

The world is seeing how, time after time, the Israeli military is committing heinous war crimes, yet it watches the Palestinians suffer in silence.

And it’s not just humanitarian zones. The Israeli military is consistently bearing down on hospitals, schools, and other settlement zones where displaced Gazans take refuge.

On July 16th, for example, Israel bombed the sixth UN-run school in Gaza in just ten days. The attack on the al-Razi school in Nuseirat ended up taking the lives of 42 more Palestinians.

These systematic crackdowns send one message across Gaza – Nowhere is safe.

Nearly 39,000 Killed and Over 89,727 Palestinians Injured

Since October 7th, the Israeli army has killed about 38,983 in the Gaza Strip – as per the Health Ministry in the enclave on Sunday. Over 89,727 have been injured in the assault, and with almost no major hospital disregarded from bombardments, most wounded have to endure the suffering without medical help.

The zionist military has also attacked the inflow of aid operations in Gaza. The fragile aid from international organizations already runs low in the war-torn region as it is continually undermined by insecurity, bombing, and denial of access.

Basic necessities like food and fresh drinking water have become a rare resource for many. Displaced Palestinians—i.e., two million people across the Gaza Strip—often survive on rice or soup cooked with water from the well, which makes their one meal a day. Fresh produce like fruits and milk are almost non-existent, even for infants and children.

The Israeli military is weaponizing starvation as a weapon to break Palestinians’ will—one that’s already hanging by a thread by the months-long blood-shed and displacement.

Desperation, Horror, and Hope

The relentless bombardment in humanitarian zones, schools, hospitals, and mosques by the Israeli army comes while both sides are weighing the latest US-ceasefire proposal. Hamas has signaled that talk of putting an end to the nine-month-long genocide would continue.

After claiming tens of thousands of lives and displacing millions, the war still continues. Israel continues to pursue Hamas fighters hiding amongst civilians.

However, the increasing tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, the United Nations, the International Criminal of Justice, and global governments give hope that the Israle-Hamas war will soon conclude. While the atrocities, horror, and genocide Israel has inflicted on Palestinians can never be repented, a ceasefire deal—as underlined in the proposal—would allow the rehabilitation of survivors and restore order in the battle-scarred Gaza Strip.


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