
How Well You Know About Patience (sabr) in Islam



Patience (sabr) in Islam has a high value. Quran and hadiths mention patience in several places and consider it a virtue. However, I’m going to discuss practicing patience because I’m doing it now. Please make yourself comfortable to listen to my story.

Growing up, my parents, especially my mom, used to say how important it is to stay calm no matter what comes your way. I’ve seen her handle challenging problems with ease, and when I think about them now, I realize that it’s her endurance that helped her make the right decisions.

I’m starting to realize that patience is an essential quality we all should have. It makes us look at the situation with a clear and open mindset. But it’s not an easy trait to master, not at all.

I have a younger brother who gets on my nerve, and his banters test my patience more than anything. Also, some Asian aunties give me unsolicited advice or dig my personal life. Well, I just shared a percentage of trials that I’m handling while practicing patience. So I understand that practicing patience is hard, but it’s worth it.

When the going gets tough, we should think about our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He had inexhaustible patience, and in the Quran, Allah (SWT) says:

“God is certainly with those who patiently persevere.” (Qur’an, 2:153)

Do we need any other reasons to remain calm and observe patience? Though this verse is sufficient to stay calm and practice patience, it’s hard, and it takes a lot of mental energy. But the mental energy spent during the period of practicing patience will pay off when you become someone who can handle things with patience –I see my mom, so I know.

Why is Patience so Important in Islam?

Generally, patience is so crucial because of stress. We handle stress daily, and it’s not good news, so becoming patient will help us control our stress levels. Losing your patience or blowing up will only release stress hormones, which might cause high blood pressure in the future (may God forbid).

Losing patience at the drop of a hat is very common among teenagers and young adults, but it’s time we realize the causes of impatience. I’m the young adult I just described. Although I’ve not mastered patience yet, the journey has been good so far. I’ve become calmer than I was. I don’t mind when people make judgments. I don’t get involved when there are arguments at home (call me selfish; I don’t care because I know those arguments are baseless).

Apart from that, the online fights on social media never trigger me, and that’s because I don’t have the time to get involved, and I’m not ready to waste my energy on something that’ll not benefit me. I also bear in mind that things don’t happen just like that; it takes time. Allah (SWT) knows when to give and when to take back; his timing is perfect!

And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever places his trust in Allah, Sufficient is He for him, for Allah will surely accomplish His Purpose: For verily, Allah has appointed for all things a due proportion.” (Quran, 65:3)

Understanding the importance of patience will help you harness patience better, so here are some tips that you might find useful.

1. Keep reminding why practicing patience is crucial

There are obvious health reasons to maintain your calmness but let’s talk about everyday things. When I stay calm in situations that make me go crazy, it gives me a clear mindset to think through unwanted situations.

When we are frustrated or annoyed, we are likely to see changes in our behaviors, thoughts, attitude, and, worst of all –body language. One day, I exploded for some reason, and I still want to go back and erase that memory. It makes me feel bad about myself. I’m not saying getting angry or reacting to things that require reaction is terrible, but handling things with grace is much appreciated. At least, from my point of view, I find it better.

“Calmness is from Allah, and haste is from Shaytaan.” 

More importantly, when you are not composed, you are likely to lose clarity and productivity. These things involve poor decision making. Sometimes anger breaks bonds that otherwise could have turned out beautiful.

If you want to achieve your daily milestones, you must create a peaceful environment. It shouldn’t be stressful, and stress settles in when you become impatient. If you maintain your cool, you will be able to make your journey smoother.

Remember, the rizq (sustenance) Allah (SWT) has written for you will find your way no matter what.

2. Don’t say anything; just control your tongue

This tip will help you practice patience and save a lot of energy from getting wasted. Some of you might say I’m a coward, but I don’t mind your remarks because I know my energy is precious. I don’t particularly appreciate wasting it on things that don’t yield benefits.

Right now, when you are reading this, you might not think that controlling your tongue will pay off. But when the truth settles in, you will accept that I was right, and you’ll be glad that you controlled your tongue.

The Prophet ﷺ said, “The people I hate the most and who are the farthest from me on the Day of Judgment are those who talk uselessly, and those who put down others, and those who show off when they talk.”

I certainly don’t want to be away from my beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), so I decided to do what it takes. Besides, being patient will only generate goodness, and there’s nothing to lose.

3. Patience in Islam doesn’t imply a passive attitude

You don’t have to become a person with a passive attitude. Instead, you can practice patience, as Islam suggests. Quran doesn’t promote remaining silent when an action is demanded, neither it encourages judgments based on assumptions.

People have different lifestyles. The way I live might not be similar to your lifestyle. But that doesn’t give you the right to make judgments. People can have different ways of living, given the freedom that they have. Thus, you and I have no right to make judgments on how others live. My level of liberty might not be compatible with yours, and that needs to be understood.

This understanding will create a path for calmness and peace of mind. You will not be bothered about other people’s opinions or advice because it is Allah (SWT) that you want to please. None except Allah (SWT) can drive you away from your freedom, so you must remember that when someone tries to comment on your personal choices.

Therefore, you will be able to pass hurdles if you practice patience, leading you to success. Doing so will please your Creator. By now, you know the drill 🙂

 “Indeed, he who fears Allah and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.” [Yusuf: 90]


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