
Islam is the Religion of Life for Women



In pre-Islamic Arabia, the position of ladies was even worse. Women were treated as nothing but cattle. Married ladies were treated as heritable property, to be inherited by the heirs of a husband. During this dark era for ladies, Islamic reforms through the Quran and therefore the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) were revolutionary. Thanks to these Islamic reforms, between 610 and 632 Muslim women gained rights unparalleled within the world. Muslim women enjoyed more rights than women in other societies until the liberation of girls within the western world. The Quran, the principal authority for all Islamic rules and regulations, put women on an almost equal footing with their male counterparts. And therefore the rights conferred on Muslim women by the Quran were supplemented and supported by the authentic Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Islam uplifted the status of ladies and made them parallel to men, they got a proper inheritance and other equal rights.

The prophetic quotes mainly specialize in uplifting the female level. Moreover, it prescribes that paradise is guaranteed for one who nourishes a daughter. This degree hasn’t been given to a son. The Sharia came to handle gender and distribute its tasks on the idea of justice and not equality. As justice requires giving everyone his right and what he deserves and commensurate together with his nature and characteristics. And this giving could also be equal as we’ve shown within the aspect of Sharia costs, and it’s going to vary between the sexes, as we explained during the life side.

Islam encourages women to Seek knowledge

Both the Quran and Muhammad sayings promote the rights of women and men equally to get an education. The Quran commands all Muslims to exert effort in the continuation of knowledge, irrespective of their biological sex: it continually encourages Muslims to read, think, contemplate and learn from the signs of God in nature. Moreover, Muhammad advocated education for both males and females:

He declared that seeking knowledge was a religious duty binding upon every Muslim man and woman. Like her male counterpart, each woman is under a moral and religious obligation to seek knowledge, develop her mind, broaden her outlook, develop her talents and then use her potential to the benefit of her soul and her community. 

The wives of Muhammad – especially Aisha – also taught both women and men; many of Muhammad’s companions and followers learned the Quran, hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) from Aisha. Notably, there was no restriction placed on the kind of knowledge obtained:

A woman was free to choose any field of knowledge that interested her.

Islam encourages women to work 

Islam allows Muslim women to work as long as they follow the subsequent conditions:

  • The job is permissible and does not contain anything that opposes Islamic legal rulings.
  • A woman’s person, chastity, virtue, and religion are safe.
  • The job accommodates her physical and psychological nature.
  • A woman’s job shouldn’t confront righteousness or come in conflict with her guardian’s responsibility to her.

Jabir Ibn ‘Abdullah narrated that his maternal aunt was divorced. During her post-divorce waiting period, she went out to collect the fruit from her palm trees. A man saw her and rebuked her so she went to the Prophet (PBUH) and reported the matter to him. He told her: “You may certainly go out to collect [the dates] from your palm trees, for perhaps you may give out charity or do an act of kindness” (recorded by Muslim in his Sahih).

In the Islamic law it is impermissible for a wife to go out for work without her husband’s permission; She becomes reprehensible if she does so without her husband’s implicit permission.

Islam encourages women to Play sports

Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, competed against her husband in a running race. She said, “I competed with the Messenger of Allah (in running) and passed him. Later, when I had put on more weight, I once newly competed with him, but this time he passed me and said: ” we’re even now.”

All human being has a responsibility towards oneself. Life created by God rather than a human agency, people are accountable for attempting to keep their bodies and souls healthy, and not causing themselves spiritual or physical harm. Consequently, the sport has clear attractions in Islam: traditions record that Muhammad raced with his wife Aisha. And that he encouraged parents to teach their children swimming, riding, and archery.

Islam doesn’t let co-ed participation in some sports and doesn’t let men watch women compete in certain sports, to close doors to seduction, temptation, and corruption. In the Islamic conception, Women can play sports with women like her and always enjoy health and activity.


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