In a devastating act of betrayal, Israeli military forces declared Khan Yunus al-Mawasi a humanitarian zone, promising civilians a “place of safety”. But in a cruel...
“It’s a suffering I wouldn’t wish upon any woman” — Nada Abdelasalem, a Gaza war survivor. It’s been over 11 months since Israel invaded Gaza, and...
I don’t think that most Muslims hate ordinary Americans who believe in the general principle of “live and let live.” Moreover I don’t think that most...
After the talks of ceasefire and hope of a near-end war, Gazans again woke up to another nightmarish attack by Israel. Like the Rafah, the attack...
I realize that the title of this article might offend and provoke many people, especially those adhering to the Judaic faith. I do know that Jews,...
In-your-face brutality, unending genocide, unending atrocities, mass slaughter directed against one’s people, one’s brethren, causes the most strong and unimaginable reaction, in response to the oppressor’s...
Israel’s attack on Gaza, which is entering its eighth month of ethnic cleansing, is taking new, dangerous turns. What started as hidden attacks now threaten to...
For a very long time, I believe since early childhood; since the time I gained my sense of self, got aware of the “me” in my...
Gaza Crisis: Eid Ul Adha in a town stalked by bombardment, constant military encroachment, and widespread starvation looks devastating. As Gazans prepare for dull festivities amidst...
Over the last eight months, Israel Gaza war has shown the true colors of Zionists and what genocide looks like. Videos and graphics surfacing from the...