As 2020 comes to an end, the war continues to thrive in Yemen. Both sides of the conflict are relentless, while innocent children and civilians pay...
Another injustice takes place as politicians add new laws to the Indian agricultural sector. For years, the government marginalized the farmers in India. Thus, these new...
As the covid-19 virus takes the spotlight, another epidemic looms within its shadow ignored. The stigma around HIV has often left people ignorant and vulgar towards...
As the world awaits the global launch of the covid-19 vaccines, many humanitarian issues are rising. It is no surprise that the pandemic hit the poorer...
Throughout earth’s history, several forms of mass extinctions almost caused the elimination of all life on earth. Moreover, though data prove the incidents, scientists were never...
In a fair world, everyone would unit in the face of a mutual deadly enemy. Once found, the solution would be shared with everyone, rich or...
As the world population continues to grow, the resources around the world proceed to shrink. By 2050, experts are expecting the world’s population to reach 9.7...
In this often tragic world, many animals became endangered. Several species are rare to find in their own habitats, while others witnessed the collapse of their...
Generations after generations are falling victim to bullying. It is an issue found everywhere around the globe and throughout history. Instead of being a sanctuary place...
One can always be overwhelmed by the vast size of our galaxy even without knowing how large it actually is. However, with the help of new...