Once again, tragic circumstances are testing the ultimate human nature. The initial instinct of us versus them is glaring its nasty fangs on the vulnerable while...
Barely a month into 2021 and the world witnessed the year’s first airplane crash. In a world with fascinating technological development, it is often fair to...
As we finally step into 2021, it’s only natural to reflect upon 2020 and its overall impact on our lives and communities. To say that 2020...
Almost a year has passed since the Cesar law was passed. Implementing the law that was meant to punish the Assad regime for their horrible war...
Economic inequity has plagued mankind throughout human history. Everywhere you look, you can easily spot the shocking difference between the rich and the poor. With the...
The world keeps advancing in many magnificent ways as technology continues to provide solutions to save our planet. For a while now, climate change turned from...
Since the start of the pandemic, scientists from all over the world have rallied and pulled all of their resources in order to win the ultimate...
A few months back, Lebanon made international headlines with the tragedy that took place in its capital port. Beirut’s port explosion was one of the countless...
As our world grows more aware of the destructive impact we are leaving on climate and nature, the urgency to take more action increases. Thus, on...
As 2020 finally comes to an end, so does the latest chapters of the coronavirus pandemic. Or at least, the world is finally and hopefully witnessing...