As the unrest increases in parts of Africa, middle-east and other disputed regions of the world, thousands of refugees are plating new hopes of a peaceful...
The stage events five years back in Havana, the charismatic city famous for its rums and cigars, forced the US to evacuates its diplomats. The disorienting...
Which do you think is the most trafficked animal in the world? Despite the craze for elephant tusk, leopard skin, and snake leather, the numbers in...
What could have been a better way of celebrating the 52nd year of the first man on the moon than a series of private companies heralding...
The startling and horrifying images captured in Europe’s ground with streets, houses, and beautiful villages alongside rivers furiously washed away by the lightning-fast floodwater. Scientists fear...
The long-awaited withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan has started, but the presumed peace in the mountain kingdom is now seemingly farther than ever. The...
As the global COVID vaccine campaign is forging ahead, the largest vaccine drive in the African continent is well underway. Despite more than 3billion doses distributed...
Japan, one of the few handful countries that tackled the global COVID outbreak without imposing strict lockdowns, but amidst the glittering lights and bustling traffic, the...
Temperature hiking, breaking all the previous records, and masses dying because of the deadly heatwaves are all the realities of 2021 summer, that scientists predicted are...
As humans, we hate ambiguity and uncertainty, this mind worm of getting to the roots of everything is what fuels the study of cosmology, evolution, history,...