The entire world is struggling to keep fueling their homes and industries with energy. The global impact of this severe energy crunch is named the perfect...
As the crips line between our physical and digital world is blurring, a world dominated by Spatial Web is on its way. The convergence of enabling...
The recent news flashes are spotting bright light on China’s Belt and Road initiative (BRI) and how it has become a debt trap for the low...
As a small nation, Israel takes enormous pride in its high-technology and cyber security industry. The Pegasus spyware of Israeli cyber-surveillance firm NSO Group has been...
Singapore has lost 60 lives to the coronavirus in the entire COVID pandemic till now. The country is being idolized for its rapid and effective victory...
The Island country of Madagascar, located in the Indian Ocean, is paying the heftiest price of climate change; a terrible human-caused catastrophe, the poor country has...
Have you ever opened your phone for checking a DM and found yourself scrolling through useless content half an hour later? Or have you binged watch...
Since the vaccine for the COVID-19 was developed and rolled out for dosing, the United Nations and World Health Organisation have been working together to ensure...
Have you heard about China’s 996 work culture? Jack Ma, China’s biggest tech tycoon, once famously tagged 996 as a ‘blessing’ for employees to be a...
Nepal and India, the countries amongst which trade of products and migration of citizens happens in the same way as between two states of the same...