
Israeli Settlers Celebrate the killing of a Palestinian man in the West Bank.



Israeli forces killed a Palestinian man in the West Bank who tried to enter an Israeli settlement in the north of the West Bank in Tulkarem on Sunday 8 May.

The killing by the Israeli occupation army would not have happened without a celebration from the Israeli settlers, They praised the incident and handed out sweets about the killing of Palestinians.

Celebrating the Palestinian killings is not uncommon among Israeli settlers who do not miss the opportunity to attack Palestinians in occupied Palestinian territories and force them to confiscate their land and property.

Such a reaction of Israeli settlers to the killing of Palestinians reflects their deep hatred for Palestinians and may explain their vicious crimes against Palestinian civilians.

The Israeli settlements are Jewish-only fortified estates built on Palestinian land in violation of international law.

There are approximately 750,000 Israeli settlers who lived in at least 250 illegal settlements on the west bank and occupied East Jerusalem.

International organizations, the European Union and the United States have repeatedly called on the Israeli occupation to stop the settlers’ attacks on Palestinians and the settlers’ attacks.


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