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Israeli Navy forces detained two Palestinian fishers in Gaza



Israeli Navy

In Gaza, Israeli Navy forces detained a Palestinian fisher and his son and confiscated their boat in the Deir al-Balah sea central Gaza strip.

Israeli Navy forces detained two Palestinian fishers the father and his son and confiscated their boat today Wednesday in Deir al-Balah sea central Gaza strip.

The Activist in defence of fishermen’s rights “Zakaria Bakr” Said، Israeli Navy gunboats stopped the Palestinian boats in the Deir Al-Balah sea And detained the Palestinian fisherman ” Mohammed Al-Najjar and his son Omar due to heavy gunfire.

Also Read: Israel having free season on Palestinian civilians including Children and Journalists

Baker added that Israeli occupation forces detained 11 Palestinian fishers during the past two days, and Israeli forces detained 22 Palestinian fishers since the beginning of this year، in addition to confiscating eight Palestinian boats in 2022.

4 thousand Palestinians are working as fishermen in Gaza and have been affected by Israeli forces’ attacks in Gaza


The al-Mawasi Attacks Show Israel Wants an All-Out Genocide.



Israel-hamas war

After the talks of ceasefire and hope of a near-end war, Gazans again woke up to another nightmarish attack by Israel. Like the Rafah, the attack was again on a humanitarian zone, an area that Israel itself classified as a “Safe Zone.”

The al-Mawasi humanitarian camp attack was another brutal assault in a sequence of military strikes on displaced Palestinians in search of a safe shelter. But unfortunately, nothing inside Gaza is safe anymore. The terror transcends conflict zones as Israeli forces are attacking everyone everywhere as a stunned world watches in silence.

The Brutality of al-Mawasi Attack – Rafah 2.0

“Nightmarish scenes of chaos and terror.”

That’s how eyewitnesses who managed to survive the sudden attack on the humanitarian zone describe the al-Mawasi onslaught. Attacked by fighter jets and drones, the brutal bombardment has killed at least 90 and left over 300 others severely wounded.

al-Mawasi attack

According to an Al Jazeera report, on July 13th, Israeli forces launched sudden airstrikes and shelling in the densely populated al-Mawasi camps. On-ground incursions by troops followed the air attacks.

The horrific photos and videos of the Israeli massacre’s aftermath show helpless Palestinians sifting through remnants of tents and debris in search of lost loved ones and missing belongings.

What the al-Mawasi Attacks Tell About Israel’s Intention?

The continued attacks on humanitarian zones where war-torn, distressed Palestinian families think they are safe for a little while from the genocide rampant across Gaza reveal the real intentions of Israel behind the war. It’s an ethnic cleansing-torturing and eradicating Palestine.

Hiding behind the mask of “battling Hamas,” the zionist are continuing their genocide in Gaza, one that has been going on for decades now. The only difference is that now it’s in the form of an all-out war.

The world is seeing how, time after time, the Israeli military is committing heinous war crimes, yet it watches the Palestinians suffer in silence.

And it’s not just humanitarian zones. The Israeli military is consistently bearing down on hospitals, schools, and other settlement zones where displaced Gazans take refuge.

On July 16th, for example, Israel bombed the sixth UN-run school in Gaza in just ten days. The attack on the al-Razi school in Nuseirat ended up taking the lives of 42 more Palestinians.

These systematic crackdowns send one message across Gaza – Nowhere is safe.

Nearly 39,000 Killed and Over 89,727 Palestinians Injured

Since October 7th, the Israeli army has killed about 38,983 in the Gaza Strip – as per the Health Ministry in the enclave on Sunday. Over 89,727 have been injured in the assault, and with almost no major hospital disregarded from bombardments, most wounded have to endure the suffering without medical help.

The zionist military has also attacked the inflow of aid operations in Gaza. The fragile aid from international organizations already runs low in the war-torn region as it is continually undermined by insecurity, bombing, and denial of access.

Basic necessities like food and fresh drinking water have become a rare resource for many. Displaced Palestinians—i.e., two million people across the Gaza Strip—often survive on rice or soup cooked with water from the well, which makes their one meal a day. Fresh produce like fruits and milk are almost non-existent, even for infants and children.

The Israeli military is weaponizing starvation as a weapon to break Palestinians’ will—one that’s already hanging by a thread by the months-long blood-shed and displacement.

Desperation, Horror, and Hope

The relentless bombardment in humanitarian zones, schools, hospitals, and mosques by the Israeli army comes while both sides are weighing the latest US-ceasefire proposal. Hamas has signaled that talk of putting an end to the nine-month-long genocide would continue.

After claiming tens of thousands of lives and displacing millions, the war still continues. Israel continues to pursue Hamas fighters hiding amongst civilians.

However, the increasing tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, the United Nations, the International Criminal of Justice, and global governments give hope that the Israle-Hamas war will soon conclude. While the atrocities, horror, and genocide Israel has inflicted on Palestinians can never be repented, a ceasefire deal—as underlined in the proposal—would allow the rehabilitation of survivors and restore order in the battle-scarred Gaza Strip.

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Ethnic Cleansing

Is an Israel-Hezbollah War Inevitable?



Israel-Hezbollah tensions

Israel’s attack on Gaza, which is entering its eighth month of ethnic cleansing, is taking new, dangerous turns. What started as hidden attacks now threaten to be a full-blown war between Israeli forces and the Irani-backed militant group in the region – Hezbollah.

However, the prospect of a full-scale war terrifies people on both sides. Aid agencies, including the United Nations, fear the war would be a “catastrophe that goes beyond the border and imagination.” Israel’s open military offensive in southern Lebanon would also risk an Iranian response.

Here’s a detailed report:

Israel-Hezbollah Escalation

While initially caught off-guard, Hezbollah has been supporting its regional ally- Hamas-ever since Israel initiated the Gaza genocide on 7th October. The two sides have exchanged near-daily cross-border strikes.

Till now, over 450 Lebanese, including fighters from the Hezbollah and allied groups and 80 civilians, have lost their lives. On Israel’s side, 16 soldiers and 11 civilians have been killed. The escalation has forced tens of thousands of residents on both sides of the border to be displaced – with no hope of returning any time soon.

But, the escalation simmering for months is now catching sparks. Last week, the Israel army disclosed it has “approved and validated” an offensive plan in Lebanon. In response, the militant group released surveillance drone videos of areas deep inside Israel’s border.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel and the world at large, “Whoever thinks of war against us will regret it.” He ended by saying if a war broke out, Hezbollah would fight without limits.

The militia leader also thwarted any prospect of a cease-fire on the Israel-Lebanon border, unless there’s one in Gaza.

Hezbollah is Not Hamas

In his last Wednesday speech, Nasrallah said that militant leaders from Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, and other Middle Eastern countries are offering to send thousands of fighters to help Hezbollah in the fight against Israel. But, with over 100,000 trained fighters, Hezbollah already holds one of the most potent militant armies in the region.

International government and aid agencies fear a war between Israel and Hezbollah will be more brutal and catastrophic than the Gaza crisis because it could put the entire region into war.

But, while the crippling economy of Lebanon puts Hezbollah at a disadvantage, taking apart the militant group’s military powers in days is a far taller task. Since the Israel-Lebanon war, both sides have been preparing for a chance to settle scores.

Hezbollah’s arsenal includes at least 150,000 missiles and rockets. With over 100,000 fighters, the group’s sophisticated attacks – like the largest rocket attack on 5th July – even surprised Israeli officials. They have shot down top-of-the-line Israeli drones and hit the Iron Dome batteries and anti-drone defenses.

Last month, the Iran-backed group shocked the world when it published drone footage of Israel’s highly sensitive public and military infrastructure. The most astonishing of which is Israel’s secret nuclear base.

The International Response to the Israel-Hezbollah Tensions

With the escalations only increasing, an all-out war can even drag the US into conflict with Iran. It could set the entire region on fire. That’s why the United States has drawn a red line on Hezbollah with a warning. It said the group should not assume that the US can stop Israel from attacking them.

And while the warning is conveyed indirectly because America doesn’t engage with the military group one-on-one, the message from the US officials is clear. The warning aims to get Hezbollah to back down. The officials also declared the US’s support to Israel in case Hezbollah retaliates.

After weeks of silence, Iran has warned Israel of an “obliterated war.” The escalating tension is also worrying the international community. This week, Germany, Canada, and the Netherlands immediately urged their citizens to leave Lebanon. Many are re-routing their flights into Lebanon and warning travelers to “strongly reconsider” traveling to the conflicted country.

The world is trying to slow down the tension, but the escalation is only spiraling to a new height in recent weeks as Israel’s attack on Hamas intensifies.

The Brewing Israel-Hezbollah War

Israel has effectively lost sovereignty in the northern part of the country due to consistent cross-border attacks by the group. The statement came before the Thursday attack where Hezbollah fired 200 rockets into the Israeli border – making it the biggest attack in the monthlong conflict. An Aljazeera report showed that since 7th October the two sides have shared 7400 attacks.

Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant said that while the country is trying to prevent a wider war, its military is capable of getting “Lebanon back to the stone age.” The statement came as Israel is downshifting its military in Gaza and refocusing its resources on the northern Israel-Lebanon border.

But, while both countries do not want a full-scale war, in case a ceasefire deal fails in Gaza, a large-scale Israel-Hezbollah war can break out in the next several weeks – one that’ll be far worse than the last time around.

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Gaza Crisis: Hunger, Malnutrition, Starvation Amidst ‘LETHAL’ Lack of Water



Gaza Crisis: Eid Ul Adha in a town stalked by bombardment, constant military encroachment, and widespread starvation looks devastating. As Gazans prepare for dull festivities amidst wrecked buildings, broken roads, and rubbles of mosques under the shadow of Israeli attacks, they are left with little to nothing to celebrate.

Most have lost multiple family members to the war. Thousands of children are now orphans. And amidst all the hunger looms, the threat of malnutrition and starvation.

50,000 Gaza Children in Urgent Need of Malnutrition Treatment

Continued restrictions on humanitarian aid, especially after the attacks in Rafah, have led millions of Gazan children to extreme hunger. A recent UN report highlights that over 50,000 of these children are facing acute malnutrition and need urgent treatments.

Malnutrition has already started taking the lives of innocent children in Gaza. Fayiz Abu Ataya, born into Isreale’s genocide, has little time to make a mark in his seven months of life. Abu’s death last week rang bells about the deepening crisis of Gaza’s malnutrition and starvation across the world.

Till now, at least 30 children have lost the battle against malnutrition, with the majority of deaths reported in the north. Experts say if the ready-to-use therapeutic food doesn’t reach the malnourished children in time, treatment of over 3,000 children suffering from acute malnutrition will be in danger.

Before, humanitarian and medical help seeped into southern Gaza through the Egypt corridor. But with the Rafah crossing closed, Israel’s war has choked aid even through Kerem Shalom. This has resulted in a two-third drop in aid since last week, reported the UN figures.

Starvation in Gaza: A Slow-Motion Tragedy

The tragedy brought out by diminishing food and medical aid spread across the region is threatening everyone in the southern enclave. A joint statement by twenty international aid agencies shows that death from starvation, lack of medical assistance, and diseases are accelerating in Gaza.

UNICEF also says the real number of deaths from malnutrition is much higher since the majority of the cases don’t even reach hospitals. Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, said that 85% of Gazan children under the age of 5 had spent at least one day without food.

Skyrocketing prices of groceries, limited supplies, and desperation are making it even more difficult for parents to provide for their kids. But, sadly, it’s not the only risk facing innocents in the region.

Lack of clear water and sanitation also exposes children to infectious diseases. Coupled with most hospital and clinic closures and overcrowding of wounded and diseased patients, parents struggle to provide primary health care, let alone close monitoring and treatment for malnourishment.

Moreover, aid agencies are no longer able to evacuate children for urgent treatment from the war zone.

Food Insecurity in the Gaza Crisis

Due to lawlessness born out of desperation and exhaustion, aid workers find it increasingly challenging to deliver necessities on time. This, along with the active conflict spreading in the middle and southern areas, means the WFP is unable to meet the aid needs in the region.

“It’s getting harder to do our job.”

Carl Skau, Deputy Executive Director of WFP, after his two-day mission to the war-torn region

The escalating violence and insecurity amidst a large security vacuum is threatening even the aid workers.

A majority of aid worker’s time is also wasted on checkpoints. For example, despite having all the approval, a truck of medical and malnutrition supplies for 10,000 children takes about 13 hours to make a 40-kilometer round trip in average Gazan terrain. In some cases, even then, the trucks are returned.

UNICEF spokesperson James Elder, recalling the critical situation, says that “more of my UN colleagues have been killed in the Israel-Gaza war in eight months than any other conflict aided by the United Nations.”

The Long-Term Damage of Gaza Crisis

Even prior to the current genocide, 1.2 million Gazans were facing acute food insecurity. Meanwhile, 80% were reliant on humanitarian aid for survival.

For over 16 years, Israel has maintained overarching control over the region, including the movement of goods, people, and even territorial water. These unlawful closures forced the residents to depend entirely on their prosecutors to access medicine, food, electricity, and other necessities. However, since October 7, most of this movement was forced shut.

The long-term consequence of the Gaza crisis is terrifying – especially for the children. The physical, emotional, and psychological damage of the war is beyond our comprehension.

Take the mournful case of Omar, for example.

During his initial visit in November, James sat with a young boy, Omar, who had lost his mother, father, and twin brothers to the war. Omar used to close his eyes and remember the happy memories of his family. He said he did not want to lose the precious memories, as he had lost them on the ground.

Now, sadly, Omar is no longer able to recall the face of his parents. This shows the mental toll of the war on Gazan children, who are consistently surrounded by lasting violence, lost families, and death everywhere.

A ceasefire will give these children proper food, water, and physical and mental support. It’ll let the aid agencies provide safe assistance and hostage homes. But even after all this catastrophic damage, the war continues.

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