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Gaza Crisis: Hunger, Malnutrition, Starvation Amidst ‘LETHAL’ Lack of Water



Gaza Crisis: Eid Ul Adha in a town stalked by bombardment, constant military encroachment, and widespread starvation looks devastating. As Gazans prepare for dull festivities amidst wrecked buildings, broken roads, and rubbles of mosques under the shadow of Israeli attacks, they are left with little to nothing to celebrate.

Most have lost multiple family members to the war. Thousands of children are now orphans. And amidst all the hunger looms, the threat of malnutrition and starvation.

50,000 Gaza Children in Urgent Need of Malnutrition Treatment

Continued restrictions on humanitarian aid, especially after the attacks in Rafah, have led millions of Gazan children to extreme hunger. A recent UN report highlights that over 50,000 of these children are facing acute malnutrition and need urgent treatments.

Malnutrition has already started taking the lives of innocent children in Gaza. Fayiz Abu Ataya, born into Isreale’s genocide, has little time to make a mark in his seven months of life. Abu’s death last week rang bells about the deepening crisis of Gaza’s malnutrition and starvation across the world.

Till now, at least 30 children have lost the battle against malnutrition, with the majority of deaths reported in the north. Experts say if the ready-to-use therapeutic food doesn’t reach the malnourished children in time, treatment of over 3,000 children suffering from acute malnutrition will be in danger.

Before, humanitarian and medical help seeped into southern Gaza through the Egypt corridor. But with the Rafah crossing closed, Israel’s war has choked aid even through Kerem Shalom. This has resulted in a two-third drop in aid since last week, reported the UN figures.

Starvation in Gaza: A Slow-Motion Tragedy

The tragedy brought out by diminishing food and medical aid spread across the region is threatening everyone in the southern enclave. A joint statement by twenty international aid agencies shows that death from starvation, lack of medical assistance, and diseases are accelerating in Gaza.

UNICEF also says the real number of deaths from malnutrition is much higher since the majority of the cases don’t even reach hospitals. Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, said that 85% of Gazan children under the age of 5 had spent at least one day without food.

Skyrocketing prices of groceries, limited supplies, and desperation are making it even more difficult for parents to provide for their kids. But, sadly, it’s not the only risk facing innocents in the region.

Lack of clear water and sanitation also exposes children to infectious diseases. Coupled with most hospital and clinic closures and overcrowding of wounded and diseased patients, parents struggle to provide primary health care, let alone close monitoring and treatment for malnourishment.

Moreover, aid agencies are no longer able to evacuate children for urgent treatment from the war zone.

Food Insecurity in the Gaza Crisis

Due to lawlessness born out of desperation and exhaustion, aid workers find it increasingly challenging to deliver necessities on time. This, along with the active conflict spreading in the middle and southern areas, means the WFP is unable to meet the aid needs in the region.

“It’s getting harder to do our job.”

Carl Skau, Deputy Executive Director of WFP, after his two-day mission to the war-torn region

The escalating violence and insecurity amidst a large security vacuum is threatening even the aid workers.

A majority of aid worker’s time is also wasted on checkpoints. For example, despite having all the approval, a truck of medical and malnutrition supplies for 10,000 children takes about 13 hours to make a 40-kilometer round trip in average Gazan terrain. In some cases, even then, the trucks are returned.

UNICEF spokesperson James Elder, recalling the critical situation, says that “more of my UN colleagues have been killed in the Israel-Gaza war in eight months than any other conflict aided by the United Nations.”

The Long-Term Damage of Gaza Crisis

Even prior to the current genocide, 1.2 million Gazans were facing acute food insecurity. Meanwhile, 80% were reliant on humanitarian aid for survival.

For over 16 years, Israel has maintained overarching control over the region, including the movement of goods, people, and even territorial water. These unlawful closures forced the residents to depend entirely on their prosecutors to access medicine, food, electricity, and other necessities. However, since October 7, most of this movement was forced shut.

The long-term consequence of the Gaza crisis is terrifying – especially for the children. The physical, emotional, and psychological damage of the war is beyond our comprehension.

Take the mournful case of Omar, for example.

During his initial visit in November, James sat with a young boy, Omar, who had lost his mother, father, and twin brothers to the war. Omar used to close his eyes and remember the happy memories of his family. He said he did not want to lose the precious memories, as he had lost them on the ground.

Now, sadly, Omar is no longer able to recall the face of his parents. This shows the mental toll of the war on Gazan children, who are consistently surrounded by lasting violence, lost families, and death everywhere.

A ceasefire will give these children proper food, water, and physical and mental support. It’ll let the aid agencies provide safe assistance and hostage homes. But even after all this catastrophic damage, the war continues.

Ethnic Cleansing

Israel Gaza War Turned into Genocides Against Millions of Palestinians



Israel Gaza war

Over the last eight months, Israel Gaza war has shown the true colors of Zionists and what genocide looks like. Videos and graphics surfacing from the ground show the nightmarish reality millions of Palestinians are forced to live every day.

Mutilated bodies, lost loved ones, orphaned children, bombed shelters, and constant fear of being the next victim with no medical care, shelter, or food — are the appalling reality of Gazans.

But now, the world is waking up to the atrocities of Israel. Social media outrages and protests are asking governments to take rigid actions against war crimes. But how are these outrages shaping the future of Gaza?

All Eyes on Rafah: Social Media Outrage of Israel Gaza War

Pro-Palestinian activism has surged several times since the war began. ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ is the newest in a queue of content that has gone viral and been endorsed by millions of users on social media over the last eight months.

While the viral graphic brought Rafah and Israel’s genocide war into the limelight, the reality cannot be any more different. Unlike the clean, sequenced tent, today, Rahal is in ruin. Opposite to the clear blue skies, Rafah’s skies are grey from bombs, smoke, and debris.

Under the ruins lies many decaying bodies of innocents while Israel continues the military offense – set on eradicating Hamas.

But what enraged people about the Rafah attack was that the region was dedicated to sheltering millions of displaced Palestinians. Israel’s attack on Rafah has cut off the Gaza-Egypt corridor—leaving the war-torn region without any humanitarian aid. Palestinians also used the corridor to escape the wars and seek medical help from nearby hospitals — an option no longer available.

On Sunday, the UN agency reported that all of its 36 refuge shelters in Rafah are ”now empty’, a safe place where 1.4 million displaced Palestinians were sheltering until last month.

Since the attack, delivering aid to Gaza has become even more difficult. With IDF now in central Rafah, the humanitarian spaces are shrinking even further, leaving the leftover Gazans to wait for uncertain calamities.

But Rafah is not the only target of the IDF.

Jabalia Turned to Rubbles

Repeated air strikes in Jabalia, located in northern Gaza, have left the town in ruins. Just within 24 hours, over 50 Palestinians have lost their lives, while 400 were left grievously wounded.

In the meantime, Israel continues its genocidal operations in Rafah. The country claims to have killed 300 Hamas fighters in Rafah since the operation began in May. The IDF says it has wiped out major Gaza tunnels and left dozens of Hamas’ dens rattled in Jabalia after its three-week operations.

After the Israeli forces left Jabalia, returning to the sight of mass destruction, Gazans found their homes completely razed to the ground. Civil defense teams recorded 120 Palestinian bodies under the rubbles of bombarded budling and destroyed roads.

International Court of Justice (ICJ) Accuses Israel of Genocide

After eight months of its onslaught, burning refugee camps in humanitarian zones and claiming nearly 36,400 Palestinians’ lives, the World Court recognized Israel’s heinous war crimes as genocidal.

The court ruled by 13 votes to two and ordered Israel to “immediately halt its military offensive in Rafah.” But what did Israel do? Bombed camps and burned dozens alive in Rafah.

This triggered mass protests across the globe—Spain, France, Lebanon—and the ‘All eyes on Rafah’ movement started. International governments, including the EU, are also planning to stop Israel’s atrocities, but they are torn on how to do this.

Ireland and Spain prefer radical options like sanctions on the country and its institution. Others prefer an ultimatum, a threat to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — stop the genocide or else face the consequences.

Amongst all this, Biden proposed a ceasefire and hostage deal proposals on Saturday.

Biden’s Israeli Proposal to End Israel Gaza War

Brought in by US President Joe Biden on Saturday, the Israeli government has proposed a new ceasefire deal, a roadmap for permanent peace in Gaza. The three-part proposal includes plans for a ceasefire, a surge in humanitarian aid, the exchange of hostages, and post-war aid for Gaza.

Phase 1 will see a see truce with:

  • 6-weeks complete ceasefire
  • exchange of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners
  • partial military withdrawal from Gaza
  • 600 trucks of aid each day

In phase 2, Israel and Hamas will negotiate a permanent ceasefire. The final phase 3 includes a major reconstruction plan for destroyed Gaza with international support.

Hamas has welcomed the plan, saying it’ll consider Biden’s plan ‘positively.’ Even in the previous negotiations, Hamas has shown interest in entering a comprehensive truce agreement if Israel holds its aggression.

However, though it’s an Israel-proposed deal, the proposal creates political turmoil within the country.

Israel’s Acceptance of the Proposal Could Mean a Military Coup?

The efforts to bring any middle ground between Israel and Gaza are hitting more roadblocks as the proposal threatens the coalition government in Israel.

While many Israelis disagree with Netanyahu’s method, they want talks, and getting hostages released from Gaza should be a priority. A vast number of Zionists, however, want the country to push on and destroy Hamas, even at the cost of civilian lives. These divisions are seeping into the government and military.

The country’s top influential politicians, including Itamar Ben-Gvir (National Security Minister) and Bezalel Smotrich (Finance Minister), are against the proposal, saying “no end to the war unless Hamas is completely obliterated.”

A video also surfaced showing an Israeli soldier asking the defense minister to quit. He wants complete victory over Gaza, and if not, he threatens that 100,000 soldiers will revolt.

Uncertainty Looms as Millions are Forced to Suffer

Earlier this year also, Israel refused a hostage exchange proposal. But can the US’s pressure to accept the proposal by both size and wind down the war finally put an end to the genocide? Only time will tell.

In the meanwhile, under the cover of negotiation, Israel continues the ethnic cleansing in Gaza. On Sunday, the IDF struck 30 targets, including weapons storage facilitates. At the same time, Israel air strikes and ground combat have killed over 60 Palestinians, climbing the death toll to 36,439.

But with both ends divided and unwilling to find any common ground, millions of Gazans are left stranded in a genocidal war in which they have no say and control.

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Israel is and will always be a crime against humanity



Israel is a crime against humanity

Israel, the misbegotten Zionist entity,  on Wednesday, May 5  celebrated the 74th anniversary of its birthday,  an allusion to the usurpation by brutal military force of the Arab-Muslim land of Palestine.

In the process, Zionist gangs, armed and funded by wealthy Jews and colonialist Western powers, such as the UK, carried out a well-devised terrorist campaign of indiscriminate murder and violence against the virtually-unarmed and defenseless  Palestinian community, during which dozens of hideous massacres, like Dir Yasin, were perpetrated by Zionist gangs, like the Hagana, Irgun, Stern, and others.

Also Read: The most brutal massacres of the “Zionist gangs” in Palestine in 1948

 The grisly atrocities forced the vast majority of Palestine’s population at that time, in 1948, to flee their villages lest they face the same fate that the people of Dir Yasin, Tantura, Dawaymeh, and many other hamlets and villages had just faced.

The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when 130 Jewish terrorists from the paramilitary terror groups of Irgun and Lehi stormed Dir Yasin near Jerusalem and murdered 107  Palestinian civilians. Other sources, like New York Times, put the number of victims at 200.

Also Read: Israel having free season on Palestinian civilians including Children and Journalists

In his Memoirs,  the Rvolt, Menachem Begin, the head of the Irgun terror group, who eventually became Israel’s Prime minister,  described the Dir Yasin massacre as a  real miracle because it cast terror in the hearts of the Palestinian populace, prompting them to leave. Even before Dir Yasin, Begin was branded by the British government as “leader of the notorious terrorist organization and banned from entering the UK.”

Since Dir Yasin  74  years ago, Zionist massacres of Palestinians have never really stopped as successive Zionist governments retained and maintained the original Zionist strategy toward the people of Palestine. This genocidal strategy was aimed at achieving three main goals: Expulsion of the bulk of Palestinians.  (There are 7 million Palestinian refugees today), enslaving Palestinians as as “water carriers and wood hewers,”   (apartheid),  or outright physical extermination. This is not propaganda or media hypes. This is the un-official but authentic ideology of the ruling Zionist establishment, even today.

Also Read: Religious Fascism in India & Israel: Tweedledum and Tweedledee

In 1967, Israel launched the 6-days war, during which it seized the rest of mandatory Palestine, namely the West Bank which was under the Jordanian rule, and the Gaza Strip, under the Egyptian rule. Thus, Islam’s first Qibla and third holiest religious place,  al-Aqsqa, fell under the Zionist occupation. 

When East Jerusalem was seized from Jordan, the Israeli army’s rabbi Moshe Goren, strongly advised army generals to blow up the gold-gilded Dome of the Rock, which is part of the Aqsa Mosque. However, a prominent general refused to heed Goren’s exhortations.

Ever since that time, Israel transferred hundreds of thousands of its citizens into the West Bank to live on land that belongs to another people. The purpose of this criminal act is to re-enact the White settlements of the defunct apartheid regime in South Africa and former Rhodesia as well as the Russian demographic presence in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine, pending the annexation of the territory and possible expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

Also Read: Palestine-Vs. Ukraine: Stark Western hypocrisy  on Palestine and  Ukraine

Numerous UN resolutions were issued, ruling that the settlements were illegal and in a brazen violation of international law. Furthermore, Israel consistently refused to consider the West Bank as an occupied territory, insisting that the region was a “disputed” rather than “occupied” land. The Israeli defiance of the UN and its Security Council’s resolutions is attributed to the almost total American submission to the Zionist entity.

A few years ago during a televised debate with an Israeli official,  I confronted him with the settlements problem as he claimed that it was Israel that really wanted peace and that the Palestinians were the party that displayed intransigence. I asked him rather tersely if he thought that a peace-loving country would build 300 colonies on occupied territories and transfer hundreds of thousands of its citizens to live on land that didn’t belong to them. He was dumbfounded.

Clearly, the brazen Israeli insolence and arrogance of power stem from the absolute, unlimited, and total backing the Jewish state receives from the United States due to the overwhelming influence of American Jewry on the US government, congress, and political life in America.

Also Read: “Jewish State”: A Nazi Concept Implying another final Nakba

I remember one American writer saying half-jokingly that the Palestinians will not be liberated from the Israeli occupation until America is freed from Zionist domination. The Zionist stranglehold on the American government was described amply and analyzed elaborately by the late Jewish intellectual Alfred Lilienthal in his monumental  book “The Zionist Connection: What price peace.”

The Palestinians remain the ultimate reversioner

Despite its military might, economic prosperity, and international connections, Israel still lacks the legal and moral legitimacy.

In ancient times and the Middle  Ages, military conquests gave conquerors sovereignty over occupied territories. However, in the modern era, sovereignty, especially de jure sovereignty, can not be acquired or gained through war. Otherwise, the occupation by Nazi Germany of 8 European states would have been perfectly legal and compatible with international law. The same thing applies to the Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait nearly 30 years ago. The same thing can be said about the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

So what makes the Israeli occupation of Palestine, both in 1948 and 1967, different from the Nazi occupation of Europe, the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait, and the Russian occupation of Ukraine. In truth, Israel and the Zionist movement have no convincing answer for this crucial question. Instead, they indulge in legalistic sophistry, historical prevarication, and verbal juggling

Also Read: Israel should stop trying to force-feed the Holocaust down people’s throats  as bloody repression of Palestinians  goes on unabated

 Some Zionist apologists try to outsmart themselves by arguing that Israel came under attack and that the occupied territory were won in a  war of self-defense.

However, international law experts make it very clear that coming under attack gives a country the right to repel the attack, but not occupy territories. Thus, the acquisition of territory by military force is absolutely illegal under the international law. This is the reason most countries don’t recognize Israeli sovereignty over both East and West Jerusalem as the city, indeed the entirety of Palestine was conquered by military force, which gave Israel only a de facto sovereignty, but no de Jure sovereign whatsoever.

Needless to say, authentic de jure sovereignty would require all the normal qualifications of sovereignty, which Israel obviously lacks.

Hence, Israel should be viewed as a belligerent occupying power, irrespective of how many countries recognize it and have diplomatic and economic relations with it.

According to Hal Draper ” At the present time Israel is a belligerent occupant of the city (Jerusalem) and is bound by the laws governing such occupation.”

Headly Cook,  an international law expert believes that Israel among all countries of the world possesses not a single inch of territory which she could assuredly proclaim to be her own in perpetuity.(2)

This is why, Palestinians, and Muslims in general, are strongly advised not to ascribe any legal or moral legitimacy to Israel, an entity that has been and continues to be a crime against humanity. (end)

(1)  Draper, Hal.  the Status of Jerusalem,  p. 163

(2)” (Cook, Headly,  Israel: A  blessing and Curse, London 1960, p. 168)

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Crimes Against Humanity

Israel Backlashes on Netflix over the Jordanian Film Farha



Farha Film

Farha is a Jordanian movie directed by Darin Sallam depicting the Israeli-Palestinian ethnic cleansing setting at al-Nakba 1948 or the catastrophe. It is the most brutal coming-of-age movie about a 14-year-old Palestinian girl called Farha living in a Palestinian village. She dreams of attending school and pursuing an education with her best friend Farida in the city while other girls are excited about their friends’ marriages. Nevertheless, things went as unexpectedly; the Israeli gangs barbarically attacked the village, committing massacres against the Palestinian villagers. While waiting for her father to return, she watches through a small hole in the wall as Israeli soldiers execute a family including two young children and a baby. This brutal scene makes Israel backlashes against Netflix over the Jordanian Film Farha.

Sallam has said that the movie is based on the true story of a friend of her mother, who lived years later as a refugee in the Al Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria and recalled her experience as a young girl during the Nakba. Sallam describes the film as a means of helping process a painful memory of that time. The 15-minute scene has angered Israeli officials and the pro-Israelis as well.

Trailer for the Jordanian movie “Farha”

Israel is Furious

The film has caused Israel deep chagrin regarding the 15-minute scene. Several Israeli officials blasted the portrayal of the 1948 Nakba in the movie. “It is crazy for Netflix to release a movie that aims to incite hatred and make false excuses against Israeli soldiers,” Avigdor Lieberman said. He stated that the Israeli soldiers would not allow anyone to damage their reputation. Lieberman said that the film is provocative and full of lies against Israeli soldiers. Furthermore, Lieberman revoked state funding to a theatre in Tel Aviv’s suburb of Jaffa that screened the film, with the “goal of preventing the screening of this shocking film or other similar ones in the future.

The campaign also included downvoting of the film’s ratings online and a social media campaign. It calls on people to cancel their Netflix subscriptions. “After more than two years of subscription, I have decided to cancel it due to Netflix’s support for the anti-Israeli film.” one streamer said. “Netflix supports such a shocking and unrealistic scene that is not in line with Israeli and Jewish morality at all. I cannot subscribe to a site that has endorsed such a shocking scene in which [Israeli] soldiers are portrayed as vile as murderers without heart and without any humanity,” another subscriber added.

Israel backlashes Netflix over the Jordanian Film Farha by unsubscribing Netflix

What is actually “Crazy” is their reaction toward the Film. They do not want people to see it, through all means, and under any circumstances. Consequently, Palestinians’ right to process their suffering through art is being denied unfairly by shutting down screenings of this film.

A pro-Palestinian activist mocks Israel’s reaction to the movie

Palestinian Right to Process Pain through Art

Israel has tightly orchestrated and controlled its own narrative of its birth. Before the military opened its archives of the 1948 war, it issued a policy forbidding the release of any documents. These documents include detailing the forced deportation of Palestinians; any human rights violations, including war crimes, committed by Israeli forces. They also included anything that might “harm the [Israeli Defense Forces]’s image” or expose it as “devoid of moral standards.”

This is neither the first nor the last time that movies depict Palestinians’ suffering through art. Many masterpiece works were made previously including Al-Taghriba Al-Filistinia, The Tower, Inch’Allah, and most notably “Tantura”. Yet, this is almost the first time to air a Palestinian movie on a global platform like Netflix to go trending. We cannot deny that the more the situation complicates, the more the film spreads, affecting prevailing the truth and exposing the heinous crimes of the Israeli thoughtless soldiers.

The movie represents a quantum leap in the artistic field regarding the Palestinian cause. Ironically, from a tiny hole in the wall, the movie exposed Israel to its heinous massacres in 1948, causing chagrin and anger in Israel. The massacre in the movie is nothing compared to what happens nowadays, especially in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. On the same day Israel denied and condemned streaming the film by Netflix, they brutally shot dead the Palestinian youth Ammar Mufleh at point blank. How sarcastic!
see more on this/Israel is hiding crucial demographic facts about Palestinian

Truth is Unsilenced

It is also a story that Palestinians have never stopped telling. Yet, there is something unique about hearing it from the perpetrators themselves. “The Palestinians know the story. They’ve been talking about it, and the world has heard from them, but the world believes the Israeli side a lot of the time, and Israelis do not admit to this story,” said Schwarz. “This is a story of Israel looking the other way.” “We robbed them of their history,” he said. “We not only ethnically cleansed them, took them out, denied their return, but we also robbed them of the true story. Schwars added, “We robbed them of the right to remember, and that is terrible.”
tantura trailer

Most importantly, In “Tantura,” a movie named after a Palestinian prosperous fishing village near Haifa that was wiped off the map during the Nakba, Schwarz sets out to investigate the massacre of an unknown number of villagers that was carried out just a week after the establishment of the Israeli state. Releasing Tantura, especially these days while the Palestinian cause is taking over the scene in Qatar World Cup 2022 as well as the Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received an official mandate to form a new Israeli government, is precarious for Israel’s image, consequently.
See more/ Israel Has No Right to Exist if Palestine Has No Right to Exist

Schwarz says that people were killed in different ways and different places in the village. It took about two weeks to bury them. There are testimonies of bodies that have not been buried for 8 to 10 days. In a dehumanizing language, over 90-year-old Israeli soldiers confess to committing heinous massacres in Tantura. Actions cannot be reversed but the evidence is present. For more on this click here.

Farha is currently streaming on Netflix

Despite Israel’s backlashes on Netflix over Farha, it is now available to millions of people to watch on Netflix with a rate of 8.6. Despite attempts to shut down its production, there is a solid case to deepen hatred over terrible events that happened. The film should stand as an acknowledgement of the other side of a historic story about the creation of Israel. A brutal story that people have ignored or denied for too long. You can support the truth by watching the movie, rating it, and sharing the truth even with a trembling voice. Eventually, the truth will prevail.  

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